Student Notes: The Complete Stories – Book by Flannery O’Connor

The Complete Stories student notes

Student Notes – The Complete Stories by Flannery O’Connor


The Complete Stories by Flannery O’Connor is a collection of short stories that explores themes of faith, morality, and the complexities of human nature. O’Connor’s works are characterized by her distinctive Southern Gothic style, dark humor, and deeply flawed characters. This collection spans a range of narratives and offers a rich examination of the human condition. These student notes will provide an analysis of key themes and notable characters in The Complete Stories, enriching readers’ understanding of O’Connor’s unique storytelling.



The Misfits:

  • The Misfit: A central character in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” The Misfit is an escaped criminal who embodies a sense of moral ambiguity and serves as a catalyst for the family’s confrontation with their own beliefs.
  • The Grandmother: The central figure of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” The Grandmother is a self-centered and morally hypocritical character whose interactions with The Misfit force her to confront her own superficiality and ultimately lead to her own demise.

The Grotesque Figures:

  • Hulga/Joy Hopewell: A complex character in “Good Country People,” Hulga is an embittered intellectual with a physical disability. Her encounter with a seemingly simple-minded Bible salesman challenges her beliefs and brings about a moment of realization.
  • Mrs. May: In “Greenleaf,” Mrs. May is a self-righteous and domineering woman whose encounter with a bull highlights her lack of control over her own life and exposes her vulnerability.

Flawed Protagonists:

  • Hazel Motes: The protagonist of “Wise Blood,” Hazel is a disillusioned war veteran who becomes a preacher of a unique anti-religion called the Church Without Christ. Through his struggles and encounters, Hazel grapples with his own sense of sin and redemption.
  • Francis Marion Tarwater: The young protagonist of “The River,” Francis is raised by his fanatically religious great-uncle. His journey along the river represents a search for spiritual meaning and liberation from the dogmas imposed upon him.

Other Characters:

  • Ruby Turpin: A prominent character in “Revelation,” Ruby is a judgmental and self-righteous woman who experiences a moment of divine revelation when confronted by a young girl.
  • Mrs. McIntyre: A wealthy landowner in “The Displaced Person,” Mrs. McIntyre represents deep-seated prejudice and discrimination when she attempts to remove a displaced family from her property.
  • The Misfit’s Companions: In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” The Misfit is accompanied by two criminals who play contrasting roles, highlighting the complexities of morality and personal choice.



Faith and Morality:

  • O’Connor frequently explores the clash between religious beliefs and the flawed nature of individuals, examining the role of faith, grace, and salvation in the face of sin and spiritual confusion.
  • Characters often grapple with their own moral dilemmas, confronting their hypocrisy, pride, and misguided notions of righteousness.

The Grotesque and the Ordinary:

  • O’Connor’s stories often depict characters who are physically or spiritually disfigured, challenging conventional ideas of beauty and normality.
  • The presence of the grotesque serves as a metaphor for the flawed nature of humanity and the potential for redemption.

Southern Identity:

  • O’Connor’s stories are rooted in the Southern setting, exploring the complexities of the region’s social dynamics, racial tensions, and the fading traditions of the Old South.
  • The Southern backdrop shapes the characters’ perspectives, influences their actions, and adds layers of cultural and historical significance to the narratives.



The Complete Stories by Flannery O’Connor is a collection that delves into the depths of the human psyche, examining themes of faith, morality, and the grotesque. O’Connor’s distinctive characters, with their flaws and complexities, provide a profound exploration of the human condition. Through the examination of notable characters such as The Misfit, Hulga, and Hazel Motes, readers gain insights into O’Connor’s examination of faith, the clash of morality, and the Southern identity. By engaging with the student notes provided, readers can deepen their understanding of O’Connor’s masterful storytelling, her unique blend of dark humor, and her profound exploration of the human spirit in all its complexities.

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