Book Notes: The Hobbit – by J.R.R. Tolkien

the hobbit book notes

Student Notes – The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien and published in 1937, is a beloved fantasy adventure novel that serves as a prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It follows the journey of Bilbo Baggins, a timid hobbit, as he embarks on a grand quest alongside a group of dwarves to reclaim their homeland from the dragon Smaug. This set of student notes provides a comprehensive overview of the key elements, themes, and characters in The Hobbit, along with analysis and discussion points for further exploration and understanding.


  • Middle-earth: The novel is set in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures, magical landscapes, and diverse civilizations, including the Shire, Rivendell, and the Lonely Mountain.


  • Bilbo Baggins: The reluctant hero, a hobbit who is thrust into an epic adventure and undergoes personal growth and transformation.
  • Gandalf the Grey: The wise and powerful wizard who guides Bilbo and the dwarves on their quest.
  • Thorin Oakenshield: The leader of the dwarves, determined to reclaim his homeland and restore his people’s honor.
  • Gollum: A mysterious and treacherous creature who possesses the One Ring and engages Bilbo in a game of riddles.
  • Smaug: The formidable and cunning dragon who guards the treasure of the Lonely Mountain.

Plot Summary:

  • The novel follows Bilbo Baggins as he joins a group of dwarves on a perilous journey to the Lonely Mountain to defeat the dragon Smaug and reclaim the dwarves’ homeland and treasure.
  • Along the way, Bilbo encounters various challenges, including encounters with trolls, goblins, and giant spiders.
  • Themes: Heroism and Personal Growth, Courage and Bravery, Friendship and Loyalty, Greed and Temptation, the Power of the Small and Unlikely.

Key Themes and Symbolism:

  • Heroism and Personal Growth: The novel explores the development of Bilbo from a timid and unassuming hobbit into a courageous and resourceful hero.
  • Courage and Bravery: The characters face numerous dangers and must summon courage in the face of adversity.
  • Friendship and Loyalty: The bonds formed among the characters during their quest highlight the importance of loyalty and camaraderie.
  • Greed and Temptation: The lure of the dragon’s treasure tests the characters’ integrity and exposes the destructive nature of greed.
  • The Power of the Small and Unlikely: Bilbo, a small and unassuming hobbit, proves that even the most unlikely heroes can accomplish great deeds.

Analysis and Discussion Points:

  • Analyze Bilbo’s character arc, discussing his growth, inner conflicts, and the factors that contribute to his transformation from a reluctant adventurer to a courageous hero.
  • Discuss the role of Gandalf as a mentor and guide, exploring his wisdom and the influence he has on Bilbo’s journey.
  • Examine the theme of greed and its consequences, analyzing the characters’ motivations and the impact of their desires for wealth and power.
  • Reflect on the significance of the riddle game between Bilbo and Gollum, considering its symbolic implications and the themes of wit and intelligence.
  • Explore the connections between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, discussing the foreshadowing and connections between the two works.


The Hobbit is a timeless and enchanting adventure that transports readers to a world of fantasy and heroism. J.R.R. Tolkien’s captivating storytelling, richly imagined landscapes, and memorable characters continue to captivate audiences. By engaging with the student notes provided, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the novel’s themes, characters, and symbolic elements, fostering critical thinking and stimulating insightful discussions about the power of courage, friendship, and the hero’s journey.

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The Hobbit book summary